Connecting with happiness

Connecting with happiness

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugêna-Aspásia.

Do not fear: God is love. Everything happens for your own good, even if that is not clear now.It can only be for your good since God is [...]

Pain and happiness

Pain and happiness


Pain is basically opposite to pleasure, not to happiness. Being happy may include, in many moments, discomfort such as the disciplined effort to study, to work on the less satisfactory aspects of our professional occupations, on the process of interpersonal or intrapersonal conflicts.

Being happy starts with being in peace; [...]

Fifteen minutes

Fifteen minutes


For fifteen minutes a day, pray, meditate, and think of the Infinite Goodness and Wisdom of God. This is a first step, although essential, to enter the long journey of self-discovery, in the path of transcendence where the roads of the fully lived vocation are rocky, but lined with flowered and illuminated [...]

Functional leadership

Functional leadership


The authentic, mature and efficient leader focuses on being functional and pragmatic, and not on exercising power. Thus, his/her methods of action are geared toward the end results, and based as much as possible in a hierarchy that is structured in the coordination of individuals and teams, not in anyone’s subordination.


The need for unity

The need for unity

A greater unity among Spiritualists, among Catholics, and among all other Christian denominations is necessary… The topic, however, is much broader, more serious, and profound, my friend.

Our Lord Jesus, from the height of the Cross, beseeched the Supreme Being: “Father, may we all be one.” The unity [...]