What is happiness?


What is happiness?

Happiness is not really a goal, but a state of mind experienced by who is focused on its purpose – to serve and live for Something Greater than oneself.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia

Part of “Happiness according to Eugênia-Aspásia” Read in [...]

Transforming missteps into learning

Transforming missteps into learning

Focus on Goodness, always. But do not be frightened with the evil you discover in you or around your paths… Instead of lamenting the inevitable, use it to your advantage, converting missteps into new lessons and incentives to succeed in greater extent and quality.


Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia In [...]

Permanent need to correct one’s own step

Permanent need to correct one’s own step

In whatever circumstance you find yourself, be lucid to recognize that correcting your own step, the way you walk and the direction you follow, constitutes a task for all the time, in all fields of existence.

Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia In the Name of the Holy MARY [...]

The key to all the problems

The key to all the problems

Having clearly detected what, for you, is morally nonnegotiable and unquestionable, set it as a goal, rigorously disciplining yourself in the practices that make it viable, as much as possible.

Necessarily, this field of the fundamental will have something to do with [...]

Determination to pursue the ideal

Determination to pursue the ideal


Boredom and discouragement are among the worst enemies of Goodness. Pay attention to the gaps they open in your soul for the excitement of evil, besides demotivating you from the pleasure of doing good. The determination of acting for the Ideal must be greater than the temptations of [...]