Life’s best frame

Life’s best frame

Men design, combat, reason, execute and conquer. Women also gestate, breastfeed, nurture, shelter, embellish, polish, bring colors and soul to what is created, from a child to a skyscraper.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Clóvis Mozart

Part of “Woman” Read in full at:


Persist in the essential


Persist in the essential

The voice of discipline and commitment to faith and to one’s own vocation must be superior to the wild clamor of chaos. Pray, be creative, seek help. But, no matter what, always persist in what you know to be the Essential.


Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia In the Name [...]

More united families

More united families


Families with more women tend to be more united. Men tend to get closer to their wives’ families than to their own. In women the zeal for, the development and the cure to the human hearts.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Dr. Elvira Dias

The best of the Human Being


The best of the Human Being

Women are more intuitive, sensitive, dedicated to family and friends, more responsible with professional or religious ideals, more careful with Nature.

The best of the human being, therefore.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Gustavo Henrique



Part of “Woman” [...]

Unassuming Words


Unassuming words

In just a single sentence, Our Beloved and Sacred Mother Mary summed up Her Message:

“I have had mercy for all mankind, century after century, but men and women have been resisting to any kind of love, even the Divine Love… Without choosing love, it’s impossible, for anyone, to be saved [...]