The undeniable signature of the authenticity of the HOLY MARY´s Messages published by the Quantum Leap Institute

True Marian Manifestations, as a rule, are matched by Divine Seals of Extraordinary Phenomena (commonly called “miracles”) that happen around the God´s representative in the physical plane of existence.

In fact, Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar, the medium who channels Our Great Mother´s weekly Messages to Humanity, emphatically reiterates he receives [...]

Your huge tiny mission fromGod

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspasia

They told you, dear friend, that the missions from God are “huge” missions.

And you see yourself so petty! … You have never imagined and still do not conceive that any “great” fate is reserved for you.

Break of flow or obstacle to be overcome?

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugenia

Many people ask me how to distinguish clearly the moment of persisting from the moment of reflecting to change the route. When can you notice you are not on the right path and that certain set of negative factors indicate a blockage offered by [...]

Before Bitter Trials

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia

They called you a villain, a bastard of the lowest category. You were seen as a degraded, quack, and right after that, they associated you with less worthy sayings.

You got sad – it was expected. However, do not [...]


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia

If you want to grow materially, do not seek too much fortune. A safe with a lot of cash favors an excited mind full of worries and anguish.

If you aim to ascend in the hierarchy of social prestige, [...]