Personal choice of happiness.

Part of “Personal choice of happiness.”

You try to be Christian and it sounds difficult to forgive what you consider serious flaws, of people who share your intimacy?

But if Jesus asked us to forgive our enemies, loving them as we love ourselves, what doesn’t He expect us to do with [...]

Wonderful paradox.


Wonderful Paradox


One of the most important lessons in life consists of a wonderful paradox: to accept the inevitability of suffering is “sine qua non” to sail the waters of authentic happiness, of psychological maturity and of the most significant achievements, within or out of the individual.

To accept suffering as an [...]

Jesus and clergymen.



Jesus and clergymen Jesus fought all kinds of prejudice, especially those defined by unsuitable conventions, and insincere religious authorities of his time that enforced a literal observance (and, therefore, non-spiritual) of the Bible, of its already existing Old Testament. Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia. Medium: Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar. September 4, 2015 [...]

In tune with Heaven.




Will you go to Heaven? There is a simple and direct way of knowing it. You only need to ask yourself: Are you already in Heaven? Better yet: Where you are, does Heaven make Itself present… and active, for the good of your brothers and sisters in humanity? HOLY MARY. Intermediated [...]

Lucidity and optimism.


Lucidity and Optimism Lucidity is necessarily optimistic. Lucid individuals see evil in order to manage their own steps towards good. Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia Medium: Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar April 17, 2015. [...]