Attracting and Consolidating Happiness

By the Spirit Sister Bridget


Meditate, dear fellow, in your moment of joy and renovation. It also constitutes a visit from Christ.

Often, the human being waits for moments of suffering and existential crisis to think of God and, then, the forces of Life, in His name, sends more [...]



The enemies of Heaven want you to paralyse your efforts in good. Shout out louder the Voice of your Soul, when the deafening splutter from outside, or the roughhouse of internal voices try to ruin your ideals and halt your good initiatives. Act within good, always, either by habit or principle, rather than by [...]

A Happy Hard Life.


Get yourself a wide and a multifaceted range of activities, enough for you to rest dedicating yourself to different tasks for your own and other’s benefit. That way, you will not feel guilty about omission or open doors for negative actions. Concerning the spiritual matter, then, follow such a variety [...]

The Best Time

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Sister Brígida

React, now, to the call of Life. Do not wait for the crisis, difficulty and struggle to crumple your soul and maculate the ideal, so that you firmly choose the essential.

Why wait for another life, if you can [...]

Soul’s Truth

Soul’s Truth. from Salto Quântico on Vimeo.