Morning reflection – 5

Due to excessive scruples, many people do not do the good they can. In exchange for conventions of preservation of a fabricated image and of pre-assembled schemes, they renounce their originality and accept to live fake lives, with disposable souls, ready to be consumed or replaced, like leaves in the wind.

Creativity is not a [...]

The need for union

It is necessary a greater unity among Spiritists, among Catholics, among various Christian denominations… Yet, friend, the topic is much broader, more serious and profound. Our Lord Jesus, from the height of the Cross, beseeched the Supreme Being: “Father, may they all be One.” The required union far transcends the narrow limits of the religious [...]

A dialogue on the search for meaning

Benjamin Teixeira, in dialogue with the spirit Temístocles


After an hour and a half of psychic conversation with Eugênia, I had a brief and very light meal, in the late afternoon in the near-winter of the United States (temperature oscillating around 0ºC), and I returned to the computer, to receive the article [...]

Disdain against the voices which speak in the name of the Voices of the High Above

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Temístocles.

You observe someone with reservation, or even with disdain… This person may represent what you are far from understanding… You do not know who he or she can be, once free from a body of dense matter. He or she is obviously human and [...]

To complain

To complain


To Complain


The word “complain”, in Portuguese, refers to the sense of “repeating a claim.”

If you have already registered an issue, you do not have to return to it, just to reaffirm its existence — this would be useless, unhelpful and even harmful, for focusing on the problem, rather [...]