Chalk, to be happy

Chalk, to be happy


Transform the hard stone of difficulties into chalk, scribbling the sketch of your happiness on life’s sidewalks.

Turn problems into challenge to your personal fulfillment.

It’s that simple.

Or, then, choose to infantilize yourself in the posture of [...]

Consequence (Maxim)

Consequence (Maxim)

Tread on the suffering of others and, sooner or later, you will realize to be stomping on the most sensible parts of your soul and of your life, suffering the effect of your own insensitivity, whether you believe it or not.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Temístocles.


Whispers of wisdom-83 (banner 2)


Whispers of wisdom-83 (banner 2)


Lots of thinking, clear reasoning, objective data, logics! Where is the sentiment, though – with ethics, consciousness and discernment? Watch, friend, that your efficient thinking is not a mere calculation; and do not lose yourself in processing information, forgetting about wisdom, letting life go by, compromising your [...]

Whispers of wisdom-83 (banner 1)



Whispers of wisdom – 83 (banner 1)


Put God in your heart. Imprint solidarity into your acts. Fill your purposes and projects with love. By doing so, you will be able to feel alive; and, perhaps, you will find happiness!

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Temístocles.

Fundamental Chromosome

Fundamental chromosome

The woman is chromosomally XX; man, XY. The common basis of humanity is the X – the element that, duplicated, generates a woman. Therefore, it is the feminine that best characterizes humanity.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Dr. Temistocles

Part of “Woman” Read in full at: [...]