WHISPERS OF WISDOM 84 – Facing Life’s Complexity.

Benjamin Teixeira by the Spirit Eugênia.

Irony: for the mature and cynical mind.

Paradox: for the lucid and educated spirit.

Contradiction: for the stubborn and lazy intelligence.

Confusion: for the dull and poor intellect.

Ambivalence: for the experienced soul that sees beyond the appearances – the essence of things.

What do you [...]

WHISPERS OF WISDOM 83 – Intelligence and Happiness.

Benjamin Teixeira by the Spirit Eugênia.

Nimble fingers to type, swift mind to analyze.

Would the heart be present, though?

So much thought, clear thinking, objective data, logic!

However, where is the feeling, with ethics, consciousness and value judgment?

Watch, friend, that your efficient thinking does not be a mere calculation; and do [...]

Morning Reflection – 21.

Benjamin Teixeira by the spirit Temístocles.

Not always what is official is true, as not always what is legal is moral. In the same way, not all apparent moral agrees with the true principles of spirituality. To realize the correctness of this affirmation you [...]

Morning Reflection – 10.

If you feel some vague, sneaky, but constant impression, draining your self-esteem and whispering that you are unfit, incompetent, unworthy, do not worry: be welcome to mankind on Earth. The consumerist-competitive-materialistic culture suggests that only the most beautiful, intelligent, heroic and accomplished have the right to be esteemed and respected. Do not believe [...]

Morning Reflection – 9.

Benjamin Teixeira by the spirit Temístocles.

You feel compelled, by the culture of mass production, to push yourself further, constantly. Pressing the mind, however, does not make it produce more – it might, quite the opposite, lock its delicate mechanism. And if, moreover, you begin to understand the need to [...]