The Mother of us all


She was enveloped in light – She is and was Living Light – She appeared to us once again, in the middle of the field, as a solar explosion that we could gaze at (without hurting our “spiritual retinas”) and receive within our own beings, impregnating us with Her luminous emanations. We [...]

Mystical Visit to the Incorrupt Body of Bernadette Soubirous

What century are you in?

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Temístocles

In the 1600s, we said: “Oh, Earth is not the center of the universe that God created!”

In the 1700s, we spread to the four corners of the world: “Wow! God created everything from Mathematics!” In the 1800s, we shouted [...]

Feeling Smart

Inner Work for the Individual Relative Enlightenment Within the Present Possibilities of His or Her Evolutional Stage


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar

When you feel yourself in the imminence of a debacle, of losing your psychological balance, remember: the equilibrium principle exists in dynamic circumstances, and not only in static contingencies.

Say a prayer. Isolate yourself from the external world’s noises for a few [...]