
Benjamin Teixeira and the Quantum Leap Institute’s spiritual guide, Eugenia is a spirit that manifests herself as a slender lady on her fifties, with a very fair complexion and black hair – curiously, the skin seems to be very young, despite her mature appearance. Of an expressive and loving look, she has a touching aura of goodness which moves the bystanders, often simply by her presence, even before any ostensive mediumistic manifestation testifies her arrival. Sometimes, a smell of flowers, particularly roses, evidences more significantly her visit, for those who are in the physical realm of life. She first manifested herself to the medium during out of the body experiences, in 1988 and only in April 1989 she started appearing in mediumistic trances.

According to mediumistic information, perfectly matching the intellectual and moral scale of the spiritual Mentor, Eugenia reincarnated as Aspasia of Miletus, the great Greek philosopher, teacher of Socrates, in the famous “Century of Pericles” (5th Century BC), and, most recently, as Saint Bernadette Soubirous, the seer medium who, in Lourdes, France, witnessed the apparition of the Loving Image of Our Lady, occasion where she was reborn with peculiar brain characteristics that concealed her wisdom, to reveal only her sanctity.

We have knowledge that she also was among us in another physical life, as part of the royalty of a small province near the Mediterranean Sea (probably Aquitaine, France), in the early fifteenth century, according to information given by her, and as per the book “The Mediterranean Princess” – a biography of her reincarnation, received by Benjamin Teixeira through his mediumship, between April 1994 and April 1995, dictated by the spirit Gustavo Henrique.

Eugenia, who at the time was called Felicia, went through the toughest tests: wealth, power, beauty, easy access to knowledge – in a time of complete ignorance, specially imposed to women –, overcoming, heroically, all temptations that invited her to an egocentric and insensitive behavior. She exemplidfied the altruistic love in its extreme demonstrations of renunciation and devotion to common good, coming to disembody, at the very early age of twenty-five years, crowned with a sublime spiritual victory.

The texts of the adorable spiritual guide, written in an unpretentious style, reveal the superior wisdom, love and knowledge of her superhuman mind, invariably focusing on the search to overcome the troubles that torment mankind, specially guilt, fear and inertia, urging us to a full commitment to progressive happiness and peace, towards perfect harmony with ourselves, with the universe and with God. The fight against all forms of prejudice and the defense of minorities’ causes, besides being in accordance with the most modern tendencies, make Eugenian thought the best that one can have today, in terms of spiritual vanguard.

With her bold vision, devoided of preconceived ideas, she gives sensible answers to the most enigmatic, confusing and controversial issues of spirituality, moral, ethics and truth. Excelling in psychological analyses, but also making incursions, when needed, in the fields of Sociology, Philosophy, study of tendencies, among other chapters of human knowledge, she invites us all to achieve a new standard of values and perception of the world. Compassionate and pragmatic, wise and refined, dynamic and open minded, Eugenia is the prototype of the human beings of the future, which we must take as an example to be achieved, for the sake of our own welfare and progress in all senses.

Our dear readers surely will be delighted by the mentor’s sweet and wise words, joining thousands of people who get inspired with her knowledge and practical suggestions. The “Master of Happiness”, nickname that very well summarizes her philosophical orientation, will lead you, day by day, to become much happier, fulfilled and at peace, accomplished and in harmony with the Principles that govern life.

Check out, in this website, real pearls of wisdom, the messages of the great Guide of the Multitudes, as well as from the other disembodied guides of the Quantum Leap Project that, under her supervision, also manifest themselves through the mediumship of Benjamin Teixeira.