Gertrude Stein: what’s of our concern?

The highlight of 07/30/23 lecture

New perspective

The light of truth visits you and you find yourself covered in shadows with a glimpse of the panorama of mistakes you could have avoided in the past. Regret is atrocious and doubt creeps into your mind, even about the quality of your character.

However, friend, we ask you, from the bottom of our hearts: what progress does not generate a new perspective, and what new perspective does not promote a different assessment of one’s own life and reality as a whole?

The fact that you can see flaws in your behavior from another time is unequivocal proof that you have really improved and that, having reached a higher level of maturity and lucidity, you are now able to see what before escaped your blurred vision.

Ironically, therefore, the perception of a ruinous yesterday indicates a bright today with promising possibilities for tomorrow. Thus, your sadness about the past is, paradoxically, an indication that you should rejoice in the present, because of the expectation of a prosperous future that lies ahead.

Make an effort not to fall into the ways of yesteryear. Make a commitment to your Creator to do good in such a way that you are compensated for all the mistakes you have made. But never allow the recognition of your own evolution and the consequent change in your reading of your past falls to sap your strength for self-improvement.

The impulse to change for the better exists for the benefit of all creatures. So don’t misuse this divine blessing and try to spread it far and wide, wherever you go, with as many people as you can reach.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
April 22, 2007



Mental slavery

The highlight of 10/09/23 lecture

Mediumship – a complex phenomenon

The highlight of 12/24/23 lecture

The capital importance of forgiveness

Forgiveness is neither a poetic abstraction nor a mere religious rule or moralistic dictum. Forgiveness configures the psychological and spiritual excellence of a state of lucidity and serenity that allows the individual to let go of the idea and feeling of personal attack and, simultaneously, to grant themselves the blessing of detoxification from destructive mental patterns and of detachment from situations, beings or human groupings.

In other words, forgiveness can often be followed by the distancing from people and environments, without, however, implying resentment or ill will toward others, as well as, in its best expressions, it can even manifest contours of compassion for creatures or communities that have shown themselves to be trapped in vicious cycles of unhappiness and malevolence.

Those who do not develop their potential for forgiveness, which is indispensable for life in society, on all scales of intimacy or distance of the ties, seriously compromise their chances of a relatively peaceful and happy existence, drastically reduce their ability to solve problems or manage crises, and psychically become a karmic magnet for attracting new and virtually more complex circumstances of hostility, aggression and suffering to be experienced, both as a victim and as an agent of evil.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
In the Name of Mary Christ
Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil
April 11, 2024