H. Hesse: love… and faults…

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Tyranny of beauty

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G. Chesterton: is it worth selling oneself out?

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J. Steinbeck: war and moral bankruptcy

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Divine Presence

When you notice your heart restless, take a place apart, as the Christ Jesus proposed, and offer your prayer to God.¹

Do not fear the future, do not lament the past, nor anguish yourself with the present. Entrust your tiny problems to the Infinite Goodness, no matter the size they seem to have for your human perspective.

Perfect Providence will know how to transform, develop and improve everything, including inspiring you to act in a way that favors the best.

Faith is the basis of everything. Dedicate yourself to the daily discipline of intimate recollection, prayer and meditation, with the purpose of building, within the doors of your own soul, the sacred stronghold of the Divine Presence, which, as a seed, already inhabits all creatures.

And you will see, a little now, more later on, and even more over time, that everything will be solved in cascades of graces. As the Verb of Truth also taught: “Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and Its Justice, and the rest will be added to you.”²

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
February 13, 2011

1. Matthew 6:6.
2. Matthew 6:33.