When you learn to manage your mediumistic sensitivity, your states of mind and your own psychological stability, the rest will follow.
When you notice simple factors that have great power over your mood, study them, extract the lessons they imply and try to deduce practical measures from the lessons learned that can be applied immediately and persistently.
Pay attention to the details of your intimate attitude and to the effects of the self-management tools you have chosen, trying to discover, a little each day, how to deal with the complexity of your body-psyche system – this is the proposed philosophy of life that every human being should adopt, especially in moments or periods of crisis.
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium) Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
September 8th, 2024
Having an aptitude for paranormal and mediumistic functions differs from having the identity of a sensitive or a vocation for the task of exchange between the carnal dimension of existence and the spiritual domains of life beyond dense matter, even though every human being has, to some degree, even if imperceptibly, the propensity to perceive and read energies that come from extraphysical sources of reality.
It is important that the person searches, deep within their heart, to see if there is a Divine Call to work in the field of mental exchanges between different planes of being, thinking and feeling, so that they do not allow themselves to be seduced by unspeakable egoic impulses or futile interests of vain curiosity and addiction to phenomenic delirium.
It is not desirable to speed up the expansion of mediumistic perceptions. The ability to move between sensory frequencies that transcend the spectrum of the five senses of the animal body develops naturally, in proportion to each person’s psychological and moral maturation.
The danger lies in the fact that by being more open to being inspired by good, a medium also necessarily becomes more open to being disturbed by evil. In other words, because they are more psychically sensitive to what comes from the sublime domains of consciousness, they will also be more susceptible to toxic and/or malevolent emanations from agents of disaggregation and misfortune.
The vectors of chaos, inducive to evil, are everywhere and manifest themselves in different ways, from the crudest to the most subtle and refined.
The soul aged on the evolutionary path knows how to convert the emotional turbulence generated by impacts, attacks and unfortunate suggestions into a boost for creativity and the decoding of lessons implied in the crisis, in order to expand their own lucidity and, consequently, achieve a broader worldview, with conceptual parameters that are not only higher in the field of feeling, but also more complex in the realm of thought, toward the supraordination of all the aspects internal and external to their psyche.
Instead of focusing on expanding one’s potential for mystical phenomena, becoming fixated, by the law of attraction, on the capricious, egocentric and ambitious yearn for extraordinary events and, as a result, becoming inexorably entangled, sooner or later, in the stratagems of dark forces and geniuses, it is better for the disciple of Truth to seek both to distance themselves from the idolatry of worldly things and condition themselves to reverence the Sacred.
Thus, spontaneously and gradually, in the flow that their Higher-Self and the Celestial Beings determine, the individual will become receptive to Divine Grace, which always offers the greatest good to every creature and, therefore, at the most appropriate time and in the most appropriate way, will provide peace and happiness to the seeker of the Light, favoring the same in the paths of their loved ones and those within their range of personal influence.
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium) Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
September 21, 2024