The Three Great VOICES of Heaven

The Three Great VOICES of Heaven

Sunlight burst in the atmosphere of deep sadness…

Three VOICES, in perfect synchrony, boomed:

“We want Our Spokesperson to be exposed before the multitude…

We want everyone to know that he represents Us…


The power of the sentiment’s voice.

The power of sentiment’s voice.

Do not impressed by the sophistries of philosophy or by the riddles of science. Be marveled only by the voice of the ideal, of the fulfilled duty, of the conscience, of the sentiment. The world would collapse in an [...]

Only the heart.

Only the heart.

Philosophical thinking broadens and deepens horizons. Scientific research verifies and consolidates areas of inquirity and analysis. But only the heart can intuit existential purpose, objective and meaning.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia.

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