Mediumship and spiritual perceptions

Mediumship and spiritual perceptions

Mediumship, sensibility, charisma, gift — no matter what it is called — constitutes, for every human creature, a portal for the service with Heaven or a trapdoor for falling into the hells of various natures…

Do not wait for extraordinary insights. Instead, seek pure intentions, [...]

The spiritual coldness and the ‘cold war’.

Part of “The spiritual coldness and the ‘cold war’”



A nuclear era flourishes, regrettably… And the globe is in danger, at the edge of abyss … We can and will win, reflecting the love of God to the orb, through benevolent prayers and actions toward each other, systematically. There is no other [...]

Spiritual authorities and mysterious cause of grave problems

Do not fight against the inexorable. When all that is sensible and fair toward solving a problem has been exhausted, and the question remains unsolvable, then perhaps you are not dealing with the fundamental pendency, but with a derivative, a mere consequence of a much deeper evil.

To discover this root of crisis, suffering or [...]