Whispers of wisdom-83 (banner 2)


Whispers of wisdom-83 (banner 2)


Lots of thinking, clear reasoning, objective data, logics! Where is the sentiment, though – with ethics, consciousness and discernment? Watch, friend, that your efficient thinking is not a mere calculation; and do not lose yourself in processing information, forgetting about wisdom, letting life go by, compromising your [...]

Whispers of wisdom-83 (banner 1)



Whispers of wisdom – 83 (banner 1)


Put God in your heart. Imprint solidarity into your acts. Fill your purposes and projects with love. By doing so, you will be able to feel alive; and, perhaps, you will find happiness!

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Temístocles.

Whispers of Wisdom 85 – Death in life; how to be truly alive.

Whispers of Wisdom 85 – Death in life; how to be truly alive.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia.

Take humankind as your family and Spirituality as your goal. This way, you will have a large margin of maneuver, to move and adapt yourself at any crises or needs of [...]